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Transition Program : Bright Beginnings

Starting school is one of the most significant steps in a young child’s life. The successful experiences in the early years of schooling are vital for their progress through school and their future success. We warmly welcome you to Weeden Heights PS and wish you and your children a happy and rewarding time as part of our school community.

Weeden Heights PS is a caring school where parents, teachers and students proudly work together to ensure the best possible start and future for all.

Supporting pre-schoolers to make a smooth transition to Weeden Heights Primary is of paramount importance to us. To this end we offer a range of options.

Preschool children are encouraged to participate in our exciting Prep Transition Program. There are regular sessions held at school. While children are involved in classroom activities parents have the opportunity to attend an information session conducted by specialist presenters along with being able to chat with other parents.

Special evening events including storytelling nights together with Open Days are held throughout the year to assist families in familiarising themselves with the school and our community. These are advertised well in advance and details can be found on the Prep Transition timetable.


Older Students Transferring to our School

For students transferring to Weeden Heights from other schools, we encourage families to visit our school and get to know us and their new environment. We provide the opportunity for students to spend some time in class to establish relationships with their peers and their new teacher. We also assign class buddies to ensure a smooth and happy transition to their new school.

We extend a warm welcome to you and we look forward to meeting you and your child.

Transition Dates

School Visits

Now that you are considering Primary School for your Pre-school child, you are invited to participate in our transition sessions. While your child is attending these sessions, we invite you to hear our ‘Special Guest Speakers’ presenting to new parents on a variety of topics including school readiness, school life and our programs while enjoying some refreshments and having a chat with other parents.

If any of these “Come and Try” times do not suit you, please phone the office to and we will arrange other opportunities for your child to experience our school on a more suitable time on another day.

Transition program for 2026 preps

Information Night for Parents of 2026 Preps

Date and time to be finalised shortly

Opportunity to Visit!

Starting School

Getting familiar with your child’s new school

Being a part of the Bright Beginnings transition program at Weeden Heights is a perfect way for your child to get familiar with the school environment. This includes routines and rules as well as the classroom, playground, toilets, drinking fountains and so on. We have built some of these things into our transition program along with engaging with many teachers and the various learning spaces across the school.

There are some things you can do from home and here are some ideas:

  • Be involved in as many of the 8 transition sessions at Weeden Heights as you can
  • Let your child know that teachers are there to help, and they can ask for help any time
  • Show your child where the after-school care facilities are, if you’re using them
  • Make sure your child knows where you’ll be picking him up
  • Explain the basic school rules and why rules are important. For example, ‘If you want to go to the toilet you need to ask. Otherwise the teacher won’t know where you are’.

Practical preparations for starting school

It’s a good idea to have uniforms, lunch boxes, bags and stationery ready:

  • Get your child to try on the uniform and shoes before the first day, just to make sure everything fits. It’s a good idea to have your child wear new school shoes for a few days before school starts and practise doing up laces, velcro or buckles
  • Practise using the school logoed backpack and adjustable the straps so that it is comfortable
  • Choose a lunch box that has an easy-to-open lid. Your child can practise using the lunch box at preschool, or during a picnic lunch at home or in the park
  • Organise the extra item from the booklist such as art smock, library bag
  • Make sure your child’s name is clearly marked on all clothing, as well as their lunch box and school bag. Please include names on the broad brim hats.


Managing feelings about starting school

Starting school can be a big change for your child, and they may feel a bit anxious as well as excited. Letting your child know that you think they’ll go well at school can help them feel positive. Here are more ideas for managing mixed feelings:

  • Try to organise playdates with other children before the first day of school. It can help if your child knows another child going to the same school before school starts.
  • Give your child lots of love and support. Be excited and enthusiastic about your child starting school. This sends your child the positive message that school is exciting and that she’ll cope and have fun
  • Read a children’s book about starting school with your child. Reading books about school together can help you talk with your child about his feelings. You could try Starting school by Janet and Allen Ahlberg, or Starting school by Jane Godwin and Anna Walker
  • Think about how you’ll manage your feelings on the first day. Even if you’re feeling sad or worried, it can help to keep these feelings from your child. Instead, try to see your child off with a happy, confident goodbye – and plan something nice for yourself too, like coffee with a friend.


Starting school: the early weeks

Your child might need some support when school starts. There are some simple things you can do to help these first few weeks go smoothly:

  • Try to drop off your child at school before the bell goes in the morning. Our doors open at 8.50am every day. Also pick your child up on time. If you’re late it could make your child feel very anxious
  • Try to make after-school time a bit special, with a snack and time for the two of you to chat. You can even stay and play longer while chatting with other families
  • Be patient if your child wants to blurt out every little detail about school, or clams up completely. You could try saying something like, ‘Tell me one good thing about your day’, rather than asking lots of questions. Always phrase your questions positively
  • Try to be flexible with snacks and meals. Your child will probably be very hungry after school. If you give her a small, healthy snack straight after school, it’ll help to keep her going until dinner
  • Don’t expect too much academic progress too soon. If your child is happy and seems to be enjoying school, that’s a real achievement. The rest will come later!
  • Remember that it’s normal for children to play with lots of different children, and even to play on their own sometimes. It takes a while before they settle into a group of friends. We also have our student buddies to help with this process.
  • If your child doesn’t seem to be settling well, or tells you about teasing or being worried then please speak to your child’s classroom teacher.

We look forward to working with you and your family!

Enrolment Process & Form

School Tours:

In 2025 school tours with the Principal are conducted at 9:30am on most Wednesdays. Bookings are essential so if you would like to join in for a school tour then please call Cindy at the office on 9802 0663.
We look forward to meeting you!

How to enrol your child:

Register for a VicStudents parent/carer account at https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/ and complete the online registration process. Please click here to download the Student Enrolment Quick Reference Guide).

If you need assistance please do not hesitate to contact us and we will walk you through the process.

Information Package

Our “Information Package” is available to families touring the school with a view to enrolment and all families of children enrolling in Prep or transfers into the school at other levels.

The package contains General Information about the school – contact details, School Profile, programs etc. It also contains details of our Outside School Hours Care Program, Prep Transition timetable and Enrolment forms.

Please contact us on 9802 0663 or email weeden.heights.ps@education.vic.gov.au if you would like to obtain a package.

We extend a warm welcome to you and we look forward to meeting you and your child.

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