Our School
From the Principal
Welcome to Weeden Heights Primary School
Weeden Heights Primary School is a dynamic, nurturing and vibrant learning community that encompasses a diversity of cultural and social backgrounds. It embraces a strong sense of community, is positive and is an exciting place to be a part of. I am privileged and very proud to be the newly appointed Principal at Weeden Heights Primary School.
The school’s motto is ‘Futures are Bright at Weeden Heights’ and parents, students and staff work together to ensure that the best opportunities are available to all of our students. Our shared commitment to learning is well supported by the home and school partnership as we believe working together optimises the potential of individuals.
With a focus on developing the ‘whole child’, it is paramount that a student’s wellbeing (social, emotional, physical, behavioural and creative developments) is balanced against their academic learning goals and personal interests. We focus on the core curriculum endeavour to provide students with engaging and challenging programs. Our school also aims to equip students with the life long skills to be successful, independent and self motivated learners and this underpins our engaging and challenging learning programs.
Parents are enthusiastically welcomed at Weeden Heights Primary School. I sincerely invite you to visit us and take a tour to see our wonderful classrooms, happy students and exciting programs. You will be most welcome to meet with me, speak with staff and students to identify what we have to offer your child at Weeden Heights. For a personal tour, please make contact with us by telephoning us on 9802 0663 or emailing the school at weeden.heights.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Futures are Bright….at Weeden Heights PS!

School Profile
Mission Statement (Our Purpose)
Weeden Heights Primary School empowers and supports students to achieve personal excellence and to become life long learners and global citizens who make a positive difference.
Vision Statement
Weeden Heights Primary School is a dynamic child centred, learning community committed to providing exemplary programs in a challenging, vibrant and safe environment.
At Weeden Heights Primary School we value:
- Respect
- Personal Excellence
- Curiosity and Creativity
- Collaboration
For our school community this means that:
- Each student will be supported and encouraged to reach their full potential through a stimulating and challenging curriculum
- Everyone will be treated with respect
- Students are equipped to embrace their future with optimism, confidence and an ability to make informed choices
- There is a strong commitment to develop the social competencies, self esteem, resilience, leadership and life skills of every student
- Creative subject options are provided for all students from prep to year six through the specialist areas programs (Performing Arts, Visual Arts, STEAM, Physical Education and Language. The Kitchen/Garden program is offered from year 3).
Teaching and Learning Statement
At Weeden Heights we:
- Have high expectations for all learners
- Differentiate the curriculum to meet the needs individuals
- Care about students and understand the importance of student wellbeing
- Believe that all students can and will learn and grow in confidence and self-esteem as a result of becoming motivated, self-extending, independent, life-long learners
- Ensure students achieve mastery of the curriculum
- Develop higher order critical thinking skills through inquiry learning, and problem solving
- Work together effectively as part of a team.
- Provide skill development and learning opportunities within the framework of the Victorian Curriculum in the areas of: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Technology, Health, Physical and Social Education, Languages, The Arts and Information and Communications Technology.
We are most fortunate that Weeden Heights Primary School enjoys extremely strong community support. Parental involvement in students’ education as well as in the maintenance of school facilities is a particular feature of the school. An active and supportive School Council works cohesively to help the school deliver quality learning opportunities for all students.

Kylie Campbell
Grade 5/6S
Sarah Crookes
Grade 5/6A
Aarti Arya
Grade 5/6P
Charlotte Pile
Grade 2/3S
David Saville
Grade 1/2L
Shannon Lloyd-Owens
Melinda Michalski
Visual Arts
Kate Phillips
Performing Arts
Kate Phillips
SAKG Kitchen & Garden
Caitlin Filby
Caitlin Filby
Physical Education
Solange Nancarrow
Languages (French)
Delphine Todd
Solange Nancarrow supported by Marika Smith
Education Support
Delphine Todd
Emma Harper
Cindy Cameron
Business Manager
Kerryn Cheetham
Beck Anderson
Your School Council
The purpose of School Council is to assist with the planning and governance of our school. School Council sub-committees at Weeden Heights Primary School are:
- Finance including OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)
- Community Building
- Education
- Buildings and Resources
You do not have to be on School Council to be a member of a sub-committee. Please log on to: https://www.education.vic.gov.au for more information regarding the role of School Councillors in Victorian Government Schools.
Current Members of the WHPS School Council
Gavin Hodgins
Vice President
Daniel Rodger
Tony Goldsmith
Parent Representatives
Jean Crewe
Bhagya Karunarathna
DE Representatives
Kerryn Cheetham
Anne Lee
Samantha Walls
Executive Officer
Kylie Campbell (Principal)
School Uniform
It is a school council expectation that all students wear the approved school uniform as ratified by Weeden Heights Primary School Council and contained in the school’s Uniform Policy.
School-wide Expectations
- Hair to be tied back if below the shoulder
- No jewellery except for stud/sleeper earrings and a watch
- Year 6 students have their own signature school t-shirt and rugby jumper which is selected each year by the Year 6 students and staff and approved by the Principal
For more information, please visit:

Summer Uniform
- Sky blue polo shirt with school emblem and signature trim.
- Sky blue polo shirt with school emblem and signature trim.
- Navy blue shorts or pants
- White socks
- Check poly/cotton dress in school colours (specialised fabric)
- Check poly/cotton dress in school colours (specialised fabric)
- White socks

Winter Uniform
- Navy blue tracksuit pants
- Sky blue polo shirt (long or short sleeved) with school emblem and signature trim
- WHPS monogrammed bomber jacket
- Blue tartan pinafore/skirt
- Pale blue skivvy/or long or short sleeved WHPS monogrammed t-shirt
- Blue tights (wool or ribbed tights but no patterns, prints or sparkles)
- WHPS monogrammed bomber jacket
Enclosed Black shoes or White Runners (no bright colours added)
Sleeveless Vest
Blue monogrammed polo fleece vest worn at any time during the year over the top of the bomber jacket or polo shirt in warmer weather
Maroon and school logo legionnaires, broad
School Bag
Maroon school logo backpack
What Are School Policies For?
A policy is an inclusive expression of desired outcome, rather than the old ‘school rules’ structure which only targeted pupils. At Weeden Heights PS, we create policies that apply to the entire school community in order to manage, inform and ensure a better environment for everyone involved.
How Are School Policies Made?
The Weeden Heights Education Sub-Committee (comprising of teachers and parents) compose all of the schools’ policies and review any existing ones on a cyclic basis (3 year rotation) or as required. The Sub Committee then consults with the staff and they provide feedback. The next step in the process is to consult with the school community.
The parents are notified through the school newsletter of current policies being reviewed and directed to this section of the website. As part of this process we also post new policies on this site for students, parents and community members to assess. You can click on the links at the bottom of this page to review when there are policies up for consideration. Please email any comments to the school at: weeden.heights.ps@education.vic.gov.au
The Sub-Committee then reviews feedback and makes the necessary changes. The policies are then submitted to the School Council for recommendation and ratification.
Student Learning
Child Safety
Aboriginal Learning Wellbeing And Safety Action Plan
Child Safety And Wellbeing Policy
Child Safety Responding And Reporting Obligations Policy And Procedures
Inclusion And Diversity Policy
On Site Supervision Of Students Policy
Photographing Filming And Recording Students Policy
Child Safe Standards
In 2013, the Victorian Parliament held an inquiry into the ‘Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations’, resulting in the Betrayal of Trust Report. As a result, the Victorian Government has implemented the Child Safe Standards for organisations that work with children, including schools.
Children and students have the right to be safe and protected at all times, including at school. It is important that you feel confident that your child is safe and well in the care of their school.
Weeden Heights PS is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.
Our Child Safety and Wellbeing policies, available in the policy section of the website, outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Child Safe Standards Risk Register
- Child safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Volunteers Policy
- Digital Learning Policy
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Weeden Heights Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback.
If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact the Principal at weeden.heights.ps@education.vic.gov.au

Empty Acc (for Closed by default CSS)
Child Safe Standard 1
Establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
Child Safe Standard 2
Ensure that child safety and wellbeing are embedded in school leadership, governance and culture.
Child Safe Standard 3
Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
Child Safe Standard 4
Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
Child Safe Standard 5
Equity is upheld and diverse needs are respected in policy and practice.
Child Safe Standard 6
People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
Child Safe Standard 7
Ensure that processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.
Child Safe Standard 8
Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
Child Safe Standard 9
Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
Child Safe Standard 10
Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
Child Safe Standard 11
Policies and procedures that document how schools are safe for children, young people and students.
Primary School Privacy Information for parents and carers
During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at our school, school staff will collect your child’s personal and health information when necessary to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health in the school context. Such information will also be collected when required to fulfil a legal obligation, including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. If that information is not collected, the school may be unable to provide optimal education or support to your child, or fulfil those legal obligations.
For example, health information may be collected through the school nurse, primary welfare officer or wellbeing staff member. If your child is referred to a specific health service at school, such as a Student Support Services officer, the required consent will be obtained. Our school also collects information provided by parents and carers through the School Entrance Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) and the Early Childhood Intervention Service (ECIS) Transition Form.
Our school may use online tools, such as apps and other software, to effectively collect and manage information about your child for teaching and learning purposes, parent communication and engagement; student administration; and school management purposes. When our school uses these online tools, we take steps to ensure that your child’s information is secure. If you have any concerns about the use of these online tools, please contact us.
School staff will only share your child’s personal or health information with other staff who need to know to enable the school to educate or support your child, or fulfil a legal obligation.
When our students transfer to another Victorian government school, personal and health information about that student will be transferred to that next school. Transferring this information is in the best interests of our students and assists that next school to provide optimal education and support to students.
In some limited circumstances, information may be disclosed outside of the school (and outside of the Department of Education). The school will seek your consent for such disclosures unless the disclosure is allowed or mandated by law.
Our school values the privacy of every person. When collecting and managing personal and health information, all school staff must comply with Victorian privacy law. For more information about privacy including about how to access personal and health information held by the school about you or your child, see our school’s privacy policy:
Throughout this notice, ‘staff’ includes principals, teachers, Student Support Service officers, youth workers, social workers, nurses and any other allied health practitioners and all other staff at our school. This includes employees, agents and service providers (contractors) of the Department, whether paid or unpaid.